Comparación y relación del bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción global con la vida de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes de la Región Metropolitana de Chile = Comparison and relation of Subjective well-being and overall life satisfaction with life in native and immigrant adolescents of the Metropolitan Region of Chile

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The adolescent migration in Chile is a phenomenon in development and whose study is incipient. The importance of researching adolescent migration has implications in terms of integration, adaptation and quality of life for the new inhabitants of Chile. This article, which aims to compare subjective well-being and life satisfaction among native and migrant students in terms of gender and age, presents the results obtained in a study carried out in the Santiago district of the Metropolitan Region of Chile in 2018. Method: The PWI-SC5 and OLS Scales were administered to a sample of 406 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16 years. 56.65% of the students corresponded to women and 43.35% to men. The sample consisted of 55.91% of students born in Chile and 44.09% of migrant students. Results: Although in the results of the three-factor ANOVA of the PWI-SC5 Scale, no effects of interaction between gender, age and indigenous or migrant condition were observed, differences between native and migrant students are observed in relation to material satisfaction and with the use of time. Likewise, statistically significant differences were only found in the OLS variable according to the gender of the students. Regarding the overall satisfaction with life, the results show that the age group and the condition of native or migrant are affected. In the case of native students, the areas of subjective well-being that were significant as predictors of OLS were satisfaction with relationships with people, with adult listening and with the use of time, while for the migrant students only the last two of these were significant. Discussion: The discussion emphasizes the need to continue exploring the subject with larger samples and longitudinally ​
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