El derecho a la participación en la vida cultural de las personas con discapacidad auditiva y/o visual. Estudio de caso de la situación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón

The present investigation deals about the participation rights in the cultural life by disabilities hearing and visual people, analyzing a specific case such as that of the Aragon’s Autonomous Community. The study was carried out after a conceptual analysis of the most relevant terms (human rights, cultural rights and disabilities people rights) and after observing as well the most relevant regulations in each field. Based on the Map of Public Cultural Infrastructures of Aragon (MICPA), a selection of various cultural equipment among the cities or capitals of region of more than 100,000 inhabitants has been made, to analyze various aspects of accessibility, and to observe if both groups can participate in cultural life under the same conditions as people without disabilities. A survey has been compiled collecting quantitative and qualitative data, divided into several thematic sections. With the obtained results it has been verified if the assumptions made are met: if the right to participate in cultural life is provided; if these groups can access the tour, to the cultural facilities, to cultural content of those, to information on the cultural activities taking place in the public cultural facilities, as well as if they are involved on equal terms with the rest of the citizens, in the development of cultural activities (as users or public) depending on their type of disability; if the Public Administration and cultural agents fulfill their obligations or not with the regulations that ensure the inclusion of these groups and therefore if they advocate equality between persons; if, despite the existence of numerous international regulations and recommendations in which it is claimed that public authorities intervention (at all levels) is necessary for the defense of all human rights, of equality among people especially people with disabilities, the public bodies that run the legislation in this regard ensure it will be fulfilled, applying and executing specific actions in the Aragon’s public facilities. ​
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