La percusión corporal como instrumento para mejorar la agilidad motriz

This study aims to propose the artistic disci-pline known by the name of Body Percus-sion as a tool to improve coordination of the students in tasks that require a certain degree of motor agility in Physical Educa-tion sessions. This research is based on a correlational study supported by a des-criptive exploratory study. An empirical-analytical methodology based on a cross sectional and ex-post-facto study in order to determine the existing (or nonexistent) relationship between two variables, agility and Body-percussion, is used. 88 5th gra-de Primary School students participated in the investigation, with the collaboration of experts in the matter: 11 professionals in education that are related to the world of body percussion, two of them trainers of Body-percussion and a professional dan-cer trained in percussion in Rudra Béjart School-Lausanne. These professionals provide the qualitative component of the analysis of the investigation. The results confirm the correlation between the two quantitative variables, results being rein-forced by experts ​
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