Tecnologías digitales y educación para el desarrollo sostenible: un análisis de la producción científica = Digital technologies and education for sustainable development: an analysis of scientific production
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In recent years, Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) have been integrated in different educational fields, including Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). This study aims to review the scientific evidence on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). As instruments for collecting information, it have been taken the bibliographic repository ISI Web of Knowledge and the database SCOPUS. The study procedure is descriptive and counts the references of articles, books and book chapters. The results of a quantitative nature show the main thematic areas involved. The qualitative review describes the scientific production of new digital technologies and EDS in the period analyzed. The analysis of scientific production shows the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in Education for Sustainable Development, and focuses on the creative and motivational potential of digital technologies in ESD. Digital technologies also offer the possibility of creating new learning environments by connecting formal education in the classroom with informal educatio