INCOTIC 2.0: una nueva herramienta para la autoevaluación de la competencia digital del alumnado universitario = INCOTIC 2.0: A new self-assessment tool for digital competences at the university studies

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Although the discourse on digital competence is not new, research on this concept and on the instruments to measure it remains topical. To plan its teaching, it is important to have instruments that allow us to make effective diagnoses at the beginning of university studies. In that sense, INCOTIC 2.0 covers this need by means of a validated, reliable and updated self-perception questionnaire that allows us to determine the level of use of ICT, the level of self-perception of digital competence and the nature of students' attitudes quickly and efficiently. All this is applicable to characterize both individuals and groups, and is therefore a useful tool for planning learning process of this competence. The objective of this article is to present the process of updating, validating and reassuring this tool, as well as the first data extracted from its application to a pilot group ​
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