La evaluación de la competencia matemática: ideas clave y recursos para el aula = Mathematical competence assessment: key ideas and resources for the classroom

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This article presents a decalogue that includes ten key ideas on the evaluation of mathematical competence in Primary Education: 1) it is part of the teaching-learning process of mathematics; 2) it only makes sense if you work in the line of developing mathematical competence; 3) involves evaluating the mathematical processes, rather than the contents; 4) it often requires the use of rubrics or guidance bases; and it also implies: 5) evaluating the degree of mathematical competence of the activities; 6) analyze the teaching practice of teachers; 7) clearly state the aspects that are to be evaluated; 8) analyze if all the competences have been worked on; 9) provide evidence; and, finally, 10) establish levels of acquisition. Some resources are also provided –mainly in the form of rubrics and indicators– to assess the degree of mathematical competence of the activities, to analyze the teaching practice of the teaching staff and to assess the mathematical competence of the students, in addition to establishing the optimum level of acquisition ​
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