Participando en investigaciones inclusivas: un curso de formación en investigación desde el punto de vista de los participantes con discapacidad intelectual = Participating in inclusive research: a research training course from the point of view of the participants with intellectual disabilities

Participation of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in the research process is essential to know what barriers and supports for social inclusion they face in their daily life. The aim of the paper is to present a research training experience aimed to improve the capacitation of people with ID to participate in inclusive researches and to explain the participants’ points of view about this experience. Twelve people with ID participated in a Research Training Course during 2013-14 academic year. Questionnaires, focus groups and observation of learning activities were used to gather information about their views on the course development, the learning achieved and their overall satisfaction with the experience. Results show that overall participants considered the course a positive experience. Teachers and facilitators provided useful support to facilitate access to contents and materials. Participants considered having achieved learning, although it was difficult to identify specific learning achievements. Training experiences like this suggest that research training can be an important support for people with ID and that is valuable to encourage the construction of teams involved in inclusive research on issues that affect their lives ​
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