Capital Social, cohesión social y uso de la lengua

Lozares Colina, Carlos
Sala Torrent, Mireia
Language is a vehicle of interactions that occurs in our social life. So, it is an instrument of communication and resource of implicit or explicit social relationships, and as such, also of social capital. In a highly cohesive group within the meaning of intensive strong relationships internal to it in a given area of social life, one can assume that the language used and referenced in this field is identical in other areas if the same group remains also cohesive. Viewed conversely, the fact that in a group are given and use two or more different languages, unknown or limited authority in parts of this group, does not provide the overall cohesion of the group and whether the formation of cohesive groups and linguistic communities. In the case of integration, that is, relations of a group with other groups identified as different by other traits that language, it can be assumed that the existence of a common language and reference guide is a facilitating mechanism, though not decisive, the collective integration of all such groups. Assertions and tries to explore this article, for different groups in Catalonia, is that the language of a collective can be a factor of homophily that facilitates both internal cohesion and integration with other groups with the same language. On the other hand, the use different languages do not facilitate such integration for the groups identified by other characteristics ​
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