L'organització de l'activitat conjunta i la seva anàlisi en el procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'equilibri dinàmic en l'educació física escolar
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The aim of this thesis is to analyze and describe a mechanism of educational influence which research has identified in different instructional contexts. We study the mechanism of cession and transfer of learning control and responsibility from teacher to students in a teaching and learning sequence of dynamic balance in school physical education. The theoretical background of this work is based on the constructivist perspective and the cultural psychology. In a more specific level, we adopt the «constructivist conception of school teaching and learning» as a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the educational school practices. From this view, it takes a lot of importance the concept of "interactive triangle" as the basic structure from which students build their knowledge. The content which constitutes one vertex of the interactive triangle is dynamic balance. For this reason we present dynamic balance as a school physical education content and different proposals and methodological basis to justify its work during these ages
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