Imaginación narrativa y formación de formadores

Education has always faced the challenge of educating people and citizens in a critical and holistic manner. In the contemporary age, such challenge is emphasized by the fact that these future citizens live in contexts of diversity of expression, languages and cultural practices at a global scale. Cultural diversity and interculturality, as well as advances in psychology and neurosciences and evidence of multiple intelligences - among other issues-, make an impact on teacher education which makes the value of relating scientific to artistic and emotional knowledge to secure democratic life and a culture of peace increasingly necessary and explicit. From an economic and social perspective of human development as the development of skills, Amartya Sen and Marta Nussbaum propose competencies that education should foster at a world wide scale to contribute to overcoming inequality. The Education for the Development of Competencies of narrative imagination and cosmopolitan citizenship are of special interest for the present work, which describes a joint Project which articulates education, culture and development (Proyecto “Te cuento”). In such project, narrative imagination is conceptualized as a capacity to become writers of our own stories and intelligent readers of the stories of others, which allows for the understanding of emotions, wishes and hopes. The pedagogic process developed here articulates an educational proposal for teacher education based on the construction of a cultural cosmopolitan citizenship ​
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