Más allá de la palabra escrita. La utilización de recursos visuales como estrategia metodológica en ciencias sociales y de la educación = Beyond the text. Using visual resources as a methodological strategy in education and social sciences

Traditionally, the transcription of interviews, either individual or group, has become the basic empirical material to conduct qualitative studies in social sciences and education. However, in the last few decades, the use of visual strategies (drawings, photographs, videos) has become a methodological resource, particularly sensitive and suitable for those people who do not have a level or communicative language developed for whatever reason. This is the case of children, people of foreign origin with less competence with the language of the society of destination or people with intellectual disabilities, for example. The objective of this article is to describe and illustrate the use of methodological visual resources within the framework of three research projects. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of these strategies through experience with the projects that are described and illustrated in this article ​
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