¿Y después del accidente? Las necesidades psicosociales de las personas con traumatismo craneoencefálico y de sus familiares = What happens after the accident? Psychosocial needs of people with traumatic brain injury and their families
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tObjective: To identify factors that people with a traumatic brain injury and their families perceived ashelping to improve their quality of life.Methods: Three focus groups and five interviews were conducted with a total of 37 participants:14 persons with traumatic brain injury and 23 caregivers. A content analysis was conducted. The constantcomparative method was applied.Results: We detected five factors that improved the quality of life of persons with a traumatic brain andtheir families: 1) Informal support (family and friends); 2) formal support (counseling, employment, builtand bureaucratic environment); 3) type of clinical characteristics; 4) social participation, and 5) socialvisibility.Conclusions: The needs expressed by our participants primarily focused on social and emotional fac-tors. For persons with severe traumatic brain injury attempting to achieve the best possible communityintegration, a new semiology is required, not limited to medical care, but also involving social andpsychological care tailored to the needs of each individual and family and their environment