El mestre/a d'Educació Musical en el nou marc de l'EEES: un estudi a partir de les competències professionals

Sánchez Ariño, Sílvia
This thesis studies the professional profile of Primary School music teachers, in the framework of the Catalan educational system and the construction of the Higher Education European Area (HEEA), focusing on the study of teaching competences on rhythm and dance and the related school practices. The research we have carried out contributes new knowledge that complements other works that have been published since the creation of this teaching specialism. To sum up, this work highlights the need to further the competence based definition of this professional profile which, as it has been mentioned, should include the development and acquisition of teaching competences in rhythm and dance. Even though these competences have been among the best valued, and we have established that there is a certain degree of integration of rhythm and dance into music and art education in schools, we have also found that there are several difficulties for its translation into school practice and there is room for improvement in several aspects. Finally, the research as a whole, has allowed us to offer contextualised proposals that could contribute to the improvement of the initial teacher training for future primary school teacher and the music and art education in schools. ​
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