Aplicació Actual de l’Aprenentatge Cooperatiu a la Universitat de Girona: passos cap a l’elaboració d’una guia sobre aprenentatge cooperatiu
Text Complet
The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the present state of the
practical application of cooperative learning methodologies at the University of Girona,
to assess its strengths and weaknesses and to extract from that criteria, ideas and
principles. These materials will be the basis upon which a guide or manual of use on
cooperative learning will be drafted. The guide will be at the disposal of the UdG
teaching staff and other people interested in it, with the aim of helping them with their
teaching and foster a higher degree of use of cooperative learning at the University. The
paper presents the survey already conducted, as well as the methodology followed, the
hypotheses of the study and the results obtained
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