Los sonetos a la muerte del rayo del septentrión: Lope de Vega y Quevedo sobre Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia

Llamas Martínez, Jacobo
Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
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This articles examines how two Golden Age Spanish writers, Lope de Vega and Francisco de Quevedo, interpreted the figure of king Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and how they received the news of his death in two sonnets dedicated to it. By examining the texts together, we contrast which images and structures the poets used, and how that style reflected the emotions they wanted to evoke and the tradition in which they chose to inscribe themselves. After a short review of the funeral tradition in poetry, we examine the controversy around Gustavus Adolphus and analyze Lope’s sonnet--focusing on the changes between the 1632 and 1634 versions--and Quevedo’s. Comparing them, we learn that the two writers chose some parallel images and, above all, the same leitmotiv: a condemnation of ambition ​
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