Una mirada a lo invisible: las personas mayores en el entorno rural
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Person cannot exist in the everyday life without interacting and communicating continuously with other, knowing, of course, that they have a perspective that is not identical to the own one. Active aging is defined as the process of optimization of the opportunities of health, participation and security in order to improve the quality of life of aging people.The main objective of this article is to identify the activities and the spaces of relation utilized by Catalan older people living in rural environment. 7 in-depth interviews to experts, 21 to older people, 5 to professionals and two focal groups of professionals and significant social agents were performed to collect data. Total 35 participants were included. Results characterize the activities and the spaces of relation from older people’s perspective living on Catalonian rural environment. To concluded challenges of future to understand and to work with the older people of the rural environment are presented
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