La literatura de Jorge Luis Borges com a reelaboració dels materials del pensament i la cultura

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Borges’ philosophical tale is based on the logic of the palimpsest, linking the creation and the tradition of literature and acting as a centripetal force of the most diverse culture materials. Used as he was to merging interpretation with creativity, Borges diagnosed that one of the innovative keys of his work lies in the aesthetic appropriation of the culture materials, mostly philosophical and theological. This research explores the aesthetic appropriation in Borges’ work, a concept gathering an incredibly rich system of criteria concerning cultural and philosophical interpretation. The analysis of the appropriation of culture materials carried out by Borges leads us to the Borgian notion of language, along with the multiple philosophical basis and projections of his work. It also leads us to the research of paradoxical usages or misunderstandings of reason, the culminating expression of the epistemological labyrinth discovered by human intelligence during their unsuccessful attempts to comprehend reality ​
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