La enseñanza universitaria española en materia de educación mediática = Spanish undergraduate teaching in media education field
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In recent decades, studies about Media Education have proliferated in both national and international levels. It is widely accepted the citizens’ lack of Media Literacy and their need to expand the research by focusing on its causes and solutions. In this context, this article aims to examine the undergraduate teaching and the way universities deal with the problem of media literacy. We understand that in order to optimize the general media competence, we should influence on communication professionals, who are responsible for the media messages; and on education professionals, who have an impact on the active audiences. All these actors confluence in a single space: the university. Therefore, the work aims to identify the needs and lacks in the curriculum of the media and education studies which eventually lead to Media Literacy deficit of citizens. For this purpose, a questionnaire was administered to the heads of all Spanish undergraduate studies related to communication and education. Additionally, their curricula and syllabus were analyzed through content analysis. The results are revealing. First, there is a lack of courses directly related to Media Education. Second, most of the courses indirectly related to it are focused on the technological dimension. Finally, based on the content analysis, most of the courses considered by the professors directly related to media education have in fact an indirect connection