Desarrollo de la teoría de la mente, lenguaje y funciones ejecutivas en niños de 4 a 12 años
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Considerable attention has focused on the theory of mind (TM) in the past 25 years and it has become a very productive area of research in developmental psychology. Several studies addressed this issue and many researchers have demonstrated this understanding in 4-years-olds. In this field, it seems to be clear that language and executive functions (EF) acquisition foster TM, but it is less evident which particular are related to TM development. For this reason, the current investigation is aimed at exploring the development of the TM in children aged between 4 to 12-years-old and its relation to both abilities. The results support a view according to which there is a developmental progression in the understanding of the mind. In general, both language and EF are involved in the child’s understanding of the mind. However, they are related to the TM development in a different way as a function of age
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