Agenda 21 Escolar en Guanajuato, dos experiencias, dos proyectos, un destino común...

There are few documented cases and active programs of environmental education (EA) that support schools and teachers in their teaching for the care of the environment in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Two cases will be made in this research. The first, from 2001 to 2003, where the State Ecology Institute (IEEG) developed the project ‘Green School, the Agenda 21 of the educational center’, so that it addressed the needs of the schools in the field of EA, and they were helped and guided in the process of creating their own School Agenda 21, giving them training and the advice necessary to develop tools on environmental school promoters. The second case from the nineties, is currently lead by the Foundation of Support for children, Guanajuato Child A. C., which has developed an alternative model of sustainable child central development, and where there is an EA program for primary schools called ‘Friends of Nature’. The two cases are finally compared to give an assessment of their benefits ​
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