El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en España: análisis de los debates parlamentarios
Texto Completo
The object of this thesis is the analysis of parliamentary debates in the Spanish Parliament (Congress) on the Bologna process and the construction of the European Higher Education Area in Spain, between 1999 and 2010 when the agenda marked by the Bologna Declaration of 1999 begins to unfold, on the basis of the goals and programs agreed in the six ministerial conferences held over the past ten years of development. It is estimated that the content analysis of the debate and its evolution contributes to perceive, understand and interpret the reactions and positions of various political and social agents. Moreover, it helps to explain the strengths and difficulties of the inclusion of Spain into the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, the comparison of content analysis of the statements of the Bologna process with content analysis of parliamentary debate provides essential information for contrasted assessment of the development of the Bologna process in the Spanish university system
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