Uso de fuentes de información geográfica voluntarias en proyectos de ingeniería

Borges, Cruz E.
Pijoan Lamas, Ander
Sorrosal, G.
Oribe-García, I.
González, M.
Kamara Esteban, O.
Obtaining reliable and accessible GIS data is often the most difficult and costly part of an engineering project. Following new tendences, public authorities have started to create GIS repositories or, in some cases, communities have collected and made the date publicly available in initiatives such as OpenStreetMap (OSM). However, in both cases there are some challenges that must be faced. For example, Open Data repositories are usually encoded in several standards and/or in a non computer friendly format (e.g. PDF format). In addition, community-made data may present gaps but generally are encoded following standards and provide very good tools to edit and visualise it. In order to solve these two problems we propose here the use of the following three steps methodology: a) evaluate if the data actually provided by the community is sufficient b) use (or create) the tools to transform these data to the OSM format (and upload it if possible) c) and finally, use their tools to access, edit, visualise or analyse the data. In this way, we have the best of the two worlds: a complete dataset and good tools to manipulate it. Moreover, we will present here three engineering problems where we have successfully applied this methodology: Long-Term Load Forecast, Overhead Power Line inspection with UAV, Environmental quality index. Finally we will present other successful projects that have used OSM data and tools: Technical Cognitive Assistance Systems, Election Results Maps, Flight Gears Terrain Simulator and FireFIGHT ​
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