Session 1: Theoretical advances in compositional data analysis.
Mostrando los documentos 1-9 de 9
Analyzing shapes as compositions of distances
Obj. de conferencia
A tale of two logits, compositional data analysis and zero observations
Obj. de conferencia
Spatial Analysis of Cell Composition Data
Obj. de conferencia
Conditional compositional biplots: theory and application
Obj. de conferencia
Weighted Logratio Biplots, Correspondence Analysis and Spectral Maps
Obj. de conferencia
Comparing correspondence analysis and the log-ratio alternative for representing categorical data
Obj. de conferencia
alr approach for replacing values below the detection limit
Obj. de conferencia
The Dirichlet distribution with respect to the Aitchison measure on the simplex - a first approach
Obj. de conferencia
CoDa-dendrogram: A new exploratory too
Obj. de conferencia
Mostrando los documentos 1-9 de 9