La dimensió privada i la dimensió pública de la societat civil. Les entitats d'iniciativa social d'atenció a la discapacitat
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This doctoral thesis analyses third-sector care of the intellectually handicapped and the
sector’s function of providing social services that are a public responsibility in conjunction
with the state and the market.
On the basis of the relationship between state and civil society, the resurgence of
civil society in the democratization processes of modern societies is analysed as a representation of the recuperation of their public dimension. This dimension is connected to
that of political society, which was removed from the state during the process in which the
state was assimilated into the government apparatus
An ethnographic approach was used to analyse three stages in the development
of these entities: charismatic, professionalizing and value-generating. The organizational
structure, services and relationships are analysed in search of a balance between two management logics that lead to a double institutional isomorphism: public administration
and commercial company.
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