Psicofarmacologia i nou estudi de grau de psicologia
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The proposal of the new university degree in Psychology, regarding the subject of
Biological Bases of Behaviour, has as common formative contents the study of the biological
foundations of psychological disorders and of the mechanisms of action of the pharmacological
drugs that have an effect on behaviour and psychological processes. Thus, it is to be expected
that many Schools of Psychology in Spanish universities will include the subject of
Psychopharmacology as core credits when designing their new plan of studies. In 1999, the
University of Barcelona (UB) introduced Psychopharmacology as a compulsory subject in the
second cycle of the degree, as part of the last reform in its plan of studies. This subject has 6 credits, 4 of which are for theory and 2 of them for practice, currently applied in the second
cycle of the Psychology degree. We present here our teaching experience in this subject,
including the methodology used, the teaching materials designed to favour content learning, the
development of the competences needed for the professional practice of psychology, and the
assessment criteria. Our work can be useful for the teaching teams of the different Spanish
universities who wish to include the subject of Psychopharmacology in their future degree of