Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes [Grau en Infermeria]: Guia docent

Serrat-Graboleda, Eva
Mantas-Jiménez, Susana
Ballester-Ferrando, David
Cámara-Liebana, David
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Studies examining PBL method show that it is an innovative learning method. A positive relationship was found between this technique and the improvement of critical thinking in students and a substantial improvement in the learning process. Since its implementation, the experience with PBL method at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Girona has shown a very good acceptance by teaching staff and students. Despite this, with the incorporation of social networks, new technologies and artificial intelligence, it is necessary to adapt PBL method to these new changes. Although it is a challenge, this technique has a positive impact on student motivation and interest and can increase their reasoning skills. In these 18 years of experience with PBL at the UdG Faculty of Nursing, new skills have also been incorporated into the studies. Those are the skills associated with the gender perspective and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) ​
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