Apuntes para la reconstrucción de la bibliografía del humanista Francisco Núñez de Oria

Fernández Ríos, María
Francisco Núñez de Oria, a physician and poet from Casarrubios del Monte (Toledo), was one of the leading authors on medicine in Renaissance Spain. His bibliography includes several treatises on obstetrics, hygiene and bromatology in the vernacular, some poems in both Latin and vernacular, as well as an extensive Latin epic dedicated to Philip II, the Lyrae Heroycae libri XIV (1581). The work of this humanist is his greatest legacy, works which, even today, continue to be the subject of study, especially in the field of the history of medicine. Given the lack, to date, of a comprehensive bibliographical study of Francisco Núñez de Oria, this paper sets out to shed new light on the work of this humanist. We will present, by way of introduction, a biographical sketch of the humanist, followed by his bibliography, structured in three sub-sections: medical work, poetic work and lost work. ​
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