El Cancionero y el “cancionero del peregrino” a propósito de los poemas incluidos en la Peregrinación de las tres casas sanctas de Jherusalem, Roma y Santiago, de Pedro Manuel de Urrea
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In the Peregrinación de las tres casas sanctas de Jherusalem, Roma y Santiago (Burgos, Alonso de Melgar, 1523), Pedro Manuel de Urrea gives an account of the journey he undertook from his home in Trasmoz in August 1517 until his return in May 1519. In addition to the usual elements of pilgrimage narratives, this work contains a variety of material, among which the poems interspersed in the narrative are particularly interesting, giving the book a notable originality. These pieces make up a sort of cancionero del peregrino, composed according to the parameters of the usual cancionero poet rather than those of the devout traveller; their inclusion in the work, like that of other content included in it, can only be understood in relation to the rest of Urrea’s production, marked both by its courtly character and by the peculiar and personal style of its author.