Garcilaso de la Vega y la tertulia napolitana del obispo monsignor de Catania

English Title. Garcilaso de la Vega and the Neapolitan literary circle of the Bishop of Catania. This article deals with Garcilaso’s relationship with the gathering of the Bishop Monsignor of Catania, whose location can be placed in Naples during the time the poet from Toledo lived there. The interest in a classicist conception of Petrarchism in a poetic group that included Bernardo Tasso, Luigi Tansillo and Antonio Sebastiano Minturno, who were possibly prominent members of the patronage network of the Marchioness of Padula Maria de Cardona, serves to contextualize, from a historical and sociological point of view, the content of Garcilaso’s sonnet XXIV ​
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