Al margen de la historia: Pobreza no es vileza de Lope de Vega entre amor y heroísmo

Cappelli, Federica
English Title. On the Edge of History: Pobreza no es vileza by Lope de Vega between Love and Heroism. This article explores the connection between Spanish Golden Age theatre and contemporary history in the play Pobreza no es vileza (1620-22) by Lope de Vega. Although Pobreza belongs to the theatrical cycle dedicated to the Dutch Revolt, it cannot be considered a military drama, being rather focused on the protagonist Mendoza, a nobleman disguised as a poor soldier, and on the vicissitudes of honour, love and bravery in his life. However, reducing the Dutch-Spanish conflict to a mere backdrop of the play, like most critics do, appears far too simplistic and limiting. Therefore, we intend to demonstrate that, despite its lively tone and its plot cleverly woven around the personal story of the protagonist, Pobreza no es vileza has the same encomiastic character as the other dramas in the series and aims at extolling the great deeds of Spain and its national heroes in the Netherlands. The only difference is that, in this text, Lope achieves a perfect balance between historical drama and ‘novelesque’ play ​
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