L’elastografia ecogràfica per avaluar l’elasticitat muscular en els infants amb paràlisi cerebral
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ENG- Introduction: Children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) suffer from biomechanical changes in their muscles, causing excessive spasticity. These changes in muscle tone can be estimated by means of clinical scales or quantified by non-invasive ultrasound techniques such as shear wave elastography. There is a shortage of studies comparing muscle stiffness assessed by shear wave elastography with widely used clinical scales and the parameters defining normality remain uncertain. Additionally, factors that may influence or alter muscle stiffness assessed by shear wave elastography are not fully understood. On the other hand, children with CP are prone to experiencing respiratory infections and chronic airway inflammation, leading to a decline in respiratory function. Various factors, including altered muscle tone and reduced muscle strength, contribute to this dysfunction, which tends to exacerbate with the severity of CP. Traditional techniques for quantifying respiratory function are often impractical for children with severe motor and cognitive impairments. Hence, ultrasound emerges as a non-invasive and readily applicable technique for assessing respiratory function in this population.
Objectives: To describe the shear wave elastography values of muscles in children with spastic CP and children with typical development and (a) to compare the elastic modulus between the two groups, (b) to study factors influencing the elastic modulus such as joint position, joint range of motion, demography, anthropometry, physical fitness data, and CP characteristics in CP children, (c) to correlate elastic modulus assessments with clinical spasticity scales in children with spastic CP and (d) to study the influence of healthy habits including adherence to Mediterranean diet, and moderate-vigorous physical activity and sleep time on elastic modulus in typically developing children. Secondly, the study aimed to characterize the ultrasound values of diaphragmatic functionality in both children with CP and children with typically developing children, with the following specific objectives (a) to compare these values between the two groups, (b) to assess their correlation with the elastic modulus values, (c) to evaluate their relationship with spirometry values, and (d) to examine their association with lower respiratory tract infections among CP children
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