Codi de bones pràctiques en recerca, transferència i intercanvi de coneixement i innovació de la Universitat de Girona: aprovat pel Consell de Govern, 9/2024 de 31 d'octubre de 2024 = Código de buenas prácticas en investigación, transferencia e intercambio de conocimiento e innovación de la Universitat de Girona: aprobado por el Consejo de Gobierno 9/2024 de 31 de octubre, 2024 = Code of Good Practice in Research, Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge and Innovation at the University of Girona: approved by the Governing Council 9/2024 of October 31, 2024
Code of Good Practices in Research, Development and Innovation at the University of Girona. It represents a set of principles and guidelines designed to promote integrity, transparency, quality, respect and fairness in the development of research, while seeking to improve working conditions and the professional development of teaching and research staff (PDI) and the technical, management, administration and service staff (PTGAS). This Code should serve as a guide for the entire university community
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