Conocimientos y creencias del profesorado de educación primaria para enseñar estadística y probabilidad a partir del enfoque de los itinerarios de enseñanza de las matemáticas

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In recent decades, statistics and probability have acquired greater prominence due to the importance of data analysis and interpretation in an increasingly computerized society. In this sense, different organizations and authors propose the need to promote the development of statistical and probability literacy from an early age, which is a great challenge for teachers. Given this challenge, the purpose of the research is to characterize the knowledge of in-service primary school teachers in the teaching of statistics and probability considering the theoretical-methodological approaches of the Mathematics Education Itineraries Approach (EIEM). This approach proposes to promote the development of mathematical competence through the design of intentional teaching sequences that consider different contexts, from the concrete to the abstract: 1) informal contexts (everyday life situations, manipulative materials and games); 2) intermediate contexts (technological resources); 3) formal contexts (graphic resources). In order to analyze primary school teachers' knowledge to teach statistics and probability from this theoretical-methodological perspective, the Mathematics Teacher Specialist Knowledge (MTSK) model proposes three domains of knowledge: 1) mathematical knowledge (MK); 2) didactic content knowledge (PCK); and 3) beliefs, as the central core of the model. In this sense, a distinction is made between beliefs about the nature of mathematics on the one hand, and beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics on the other. The research adopted a mixed methodological approach of an exploratory-descriptive nature combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. Firstly, based on a systematic review of the literature, empirical studies on primary school teachers' knowledge of how to teach statistics and probability were investigated. Subsequently, we have characterized the knowledge of primary school teachers to teach statistics and probability from the perspective of the MTSK model. From this perspective, we have carried out the process of constructing two instruments to analyse the knowledge of primary school teachers to teach statistics and probability: 1) MTSK-Statistics Questionnaire; 2) MTSK-Probability Questionnaire. Additionally, a third instrument has been designed to analyse teachers' beliefs towards teaching statistics and probability ​
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