Avaluació de l'efecte d'una estimulació auditiva rítmica sobre els paràmetres de la marxa i equilibri en persones amb ictus
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Stroke is the leading cause of functional motor disorders in adults and, in most cases, alters gait patterns and balance when standing and walking. Rhythmic techniques are recommended to improve gait and balance, since analysis of the processing of different elements of music has shown that rhythm shares similar areas with voluntary movement.
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait and balance quality after stroke and to detect related outcomes. A non-randomized controlled trial was undertaken with 55 people in the subacute phase after stroke. The intervention group received music-based rhythmic auditory stimulation 3 times per week whereas the historical control group received conventional therapies.
Patients in a subacute phase after stroke that underwent rehabilitation with Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation improved quantitative and qualitative parameters of movement and balance. The intervention group had greater gains in terms of functionality and autonomy than the control group, but there were no differences in the walking parameters of the two groups. Improvements in balance and motor function are associated with the motor deficit at admission and the affected area. Age, stroke type and the affected side were not found to be directly related to the amount of improvement in balance, motor function and walking ability
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