La participació de joves en acolliment residencial en sessions de jocs de taula: avaluació d’un projecte pilot: producte intel·lectual 3 (IO3) = La participación de jóvenes en acogimiento residencial en sesiones de juegos de mesa: evaluación de un proyecto piloto: producto intelectual 3 (IO3) = Evaluation of the impact of the participation of young people in residential care in the game sessions pilot project: Intellectual Output 3 (IO3) = Evaluierung des DOMUS LUDES pilotprojeckts: Auswirkungen der Teilnahme von jugendlichen in Stationärer unterbringungen an "Spielsessions": intellektueller Output 3 (IO3) = Ewaluacja wpływu uczestnictwa młodych ludzi z domów opieki w projekcie pilotażowym sesji gier planszowych: produkt intelektualny 3 (IO3)

The Domus Ludens Project has sought to promote play culture in residential centres to protect children in three European countries: Spain - specifically, Catalonia- , Poland and Germany. Domus Ludens, translated from Latin, means "a house that plays". The general objective of the Domus Ludens project has been to promote the "right to play" of children and youngsters (13-17 years old) living in residential centres by carrying out a pilot test of eight months (November 2021-June 2022 ) of board game sessions per week, to assess whether regular, structured and professionally guided play has a positive impact on the "well-being" of this particularly vulnerable target group and to analyse what cognitive, emotional and social skills can be developed through regular play. This document consists of the evaluation of the Domus Ludens Project, that is to say, the evaluation of the impact of the participation in regular and systematic play sessions in relation to the subjective well-being and the acquisition of skills of young people in residential care ​
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