Cocreación de contenidos con Motiv-ARCHE en el proyecto PECT "Costa Brava y Pirineo de Girona: Naturaleza, Cultura e Inteligencia en red" = Resources's co-creation with Motiv-ARCHE in the PECT project "Costa Brava i Pirineu de Girona: Natura, Cultura i Intel·ligència en xarxa"

Motiv-ARCHE is a platform that increases the motivation of young people for heritage thanks to co-creation and the use of Augmented Reality. With this application, users can add new content to heritage elements in different formats that are displayed with Augmented Reality. The objectives of Motiv-ARCHE are to motivate young people to learn about cultural and natural heritage, making it more attractive and accessible, to facilitate the co-creation of heritage content by both young people and heritage managers, and to promote communication and interaction between society and heritage entities. It is convenient to provide Cultural and Natural Heritage experts with a work environment that facilitates the creation of experiences that include elements of Augmented Reality and that these can be adapted to the different characteristics of the users who use them. This article presents Motiv-ARCHE and the content co-creation pilot tests carried out by heritage experts at the Museu d’Història Medieval de la Cúria- Presó, s.XIV in Castelló d'Empúries; in the Parc Natural del Cap de Creus; and in the Museu Municipal de Tossa de Mar. These tests have been developed within the PECT project "Costa Brava i Pirineu de Girona: Natura, Cultura i Intel·ligència en xarxa" in collaboration with those responsible for the aforementioned heritage institutions. The application of the methodology of research based on design (DBR) allows us, based on the results of the experience presented, to propose improvements in MOTIV-ARCHE ​
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