Predicting Solvation Free Energies Using Electronegativity-Equalization Atomic Charges and a Dense Neural Network: A Generalized-Born Approach

I propose a dense Neural Network, ESE-GB-DNN, for evaluation of solvation free energies ΔG°solv for molecules and ions in water and nonaqueous solvents. As input features, it employs generalized-Born monatomic and diatomic terms, as well as atomic surface areas and the molecular volume. The electrostatics calculation is based on a specially modified version of electronegativity-equalization atomic charges. ESE-GB-DNN evaluates ΔG°solv in a simple and highly efficient way, yet it offers a high accuracy, often challenging that of standard DFT-based methods. For neutral solutes, ESE-GB-DNN yields an RMSE between 0.7 and 1.3 kcal/mol, depending on the solvent class. ESE-GB-DNN performs particularly well for nonaqueous solutions of ions, with an RMSE of about 0.7 kcal/mol. For ions in water, the RMSE is larger (2.9 kcal/mol) ​
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