The analysis of tourist destinations’ influence in international student mobility

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The ability for places to become meaningful, to generate bonds, sometimes without awareness, tends to create attachments that are developed and reproduced over time. Attachment to the environment is often considered to be both inherent and invariant in the human species. Place attachment is also increasingly linked to common mobility practices. Mobility may generate attachments to multiple places (for example, one’s original home and a new home), and those who repeatedly move may develop the ability to quickly forge attachments to new places. In 2019, 6.063.665 million international students were seeking experiences that would enable them to develop values, beliefs, behaviours, skills, insights, and, particularly, a disposition for critical and self-reflection. Students’ deeper interaction with a host destination can lead to the development of a sense of belonging, that is intimately tied to the process of homemaking within mobility. In addition, an increasing number of women are undertaking educational travel for personal and professional development, while exploring new cultures and adjusting to different environments. Considering latest literature on international student mobility, there are still gaps regarding the formation of place attachment, the creation of transformative experiences employing a gender perspective, and the drivers behind international students future mobility, this thesis attempts to explore the relationship between place, people and mobilities within the international student mobility context, with the general objective to examine the role of the host destination in international student mobility by exploring concepts of sense of place, place attachment, acculturation, transformative experiences, migration and home. The thesis went for a qualitative approach, where thirty-three in-depth semi-structured interviews were carried out with international students from different nationalities who have finished a Master’s degree in Tourism at the University of Girona, Spain. As a result, the present thesis is a compendium of three articles that following its general objective, examine the production of place attachment in international students in the host destination, the transmission and dynamics of gender-role values and their implication in international students transformative experience through Berry, Poortinga, Segall, Marshall, & Dasen's (2002) forms of cultural transmission and acculturation, and the drivers behind international student migration by exploring the role played by mobility perception, sense of continuity and the definition of home ​
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