Girona, ciutat ocupada per les tropes de Lluís XIV de França (1694-1697)
The Nine Years’ War (1689-1697) was one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of Girona. The harsh but violent siege gave way to a military occupation that lasted for more than three years. Unlike the fall of 1711, the information preserved from this period has made it possible to trace in some detail the main events of a city subjugated by a foreign power. Unfortunately, many of the problems described cannot be considered as an isolated episode, quite the contrary, as it was the expression of a way of conducting the war at the time. In this sense, housing troops became a real curse, even if they were soldiers of the king himself, not only because of the high economic cost of building or maintaining the barracks, but also because of the reduction of sovereignty implied by the presence of a military governor within the city.
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