Los retos y estrategias de la educación inclusiva en la universidad para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de una experiencia piloto

The main objective of this thesis is to design, apply and evaluate an educational program for people with intellectual disabilities at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona. For this research, a methodology has been used from an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach (Erickson, 1989; Flick, 2004), based on the perceptions of the participants: professors and university students and people with ID. It is intended to know the perceptions from comprehensive evaluation criteria (Stake, 2004) in three moments of the program: planning, application, and completion. Tools such as semi-structured interviews (initial and final), observation sheets (during the sessions) and an evaluation questionnaire (at the end of the sessions) were used. The treatment of the data collected in the questionnaires has been very useful as additional support to the data and results obtained through other instruments applied in this doctoral thesis. These data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, following the guidelines of authors such as Creswell (2018), Fisher and Marshall (2009), and Liu, Parelius and Singh (1999). In this sense, the percentages corresponding to each of the dimensions studied are presented in the form of tables and statistical graphs, with the aim of clarifying the information and providing a systematic treatment of the data (Creswell, 2018; Fisher et al., 2009). In total, 14 individual interviews were conducted with young people with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 19 and 27, 16 interviews with university professors between the ages of 30 and 52 and with an average number of years of teaching experience of 19 years, and 20 individual interviews with university students. On the other hand, 25 observation sheets were collected by two observers who completed the sheets separately, and finally the application of 25 questionnaires for the evaluation of the sessions completed by the young people with ID. The analysis of the information was carried out through a thematic analysis ​
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