Ser subestimats o sobreestimats per la nostra autopercepció: l'efecte Dunning-Kruger
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The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that causes people to have a wrong vision
about their own abilities, that is why they may underestimate or overestimate themselves.
Therefore, this bias can create an illusory effect of one’s own superiority or inferiority,
usually the first one mentioned, in a certain area of knowledge or competence.
This project has been developed with the purpose of investigating, by means of an
experiment, the presence of this effect on the students currently in fourth grade of ESO from
INS Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Fifty students participated in the experiment, with the data
collection method being a reading comprehension test in Catalan. The results have proven
really significant, showing that students with worse marks overestimate themselves regarding
their real mark, while those students with better marks underestimate themselves in relation
to the real mark. Further research has also shown this effect manifests differently in
masculine and femenine genders, proving that the women tend to underestimate their abilities
more than the men