Violència sexual i consum de drogues en estudiants d’educació social

Bonet Molas, Aina
Sexual violence is all acts, comments, actions and situations that attack people’s sexual freedom. 86 % of victims are women and 14 % men. In 2021, it was estimated that one in three women had suffered some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. Suffering from these situations can cause victims to start consuming to avoid and escape the situation. Therefore, the present study aims to identify the situations of sexual violence experienced by students of the Social Education degree at the University of Girona and to analyse whether there is any relationship between being a victim and the subsequent consumption of drugs. This work is a transversal, observational and analytical study based on an ad hoc questionnaire given to the 258 students enrolled in the Social Education degree at the University of Girona. The results obtained show that 66,9 % of students have suffered some type of sexual violence from the age of fifteen to the present. The average age of the first assault in women is 16,36 years and in men 19,50 years. 55,6 % of men and 25,7 % of women have symptoms of dependence on any type of drug. In this study, no relationship was detected regarding being a victim of sexual violence and the subsequent consumption of drugs ​
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