Rúbrica per a l’avaluació d’accions i projectes socioeducatius d’empoderament juvenil = Rúbrica para la evaluación de acciones y proyectos socioeducativos de empoderamiento juvenil = Rubric for the Assessment of Socio-educational Actions and Projects for Youth Empowerment
The youth-empowerment assessment rubric presented here is one of the products of “Projecte HEBE. Una investigació sobre l'empoderament juvenil” (“Project HEBE. Research into youth empowerment”), which has been developed since 2014 by a group of researchers from five universities. The project has received funding from the Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad.(Ministry of Industry, Economy, and Competitivity) and the approach used by the project, and the various resulting products can be consulted at http://www.projectehebe.com/ca/ The instrument, which consists of nine dimensions and 27 indicators, is designed to serve in the analysis of youth empowerment projects, as well as in the planning, implementation, and analysis of socio-educational projects and actions led by an educator or educational team that aim to have an impact on the empowerment of young people. The rubric aims to provide an easily-used resource that helps educators reflect on and improve their work. Its results provide knowledge of the degree to which specific projects or actions facilitate youth empowerment. This means that it can also be used in learning processes
and improving the programming and development of actions that help young people become empowered
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