'Transmedia Contentelling': l'ús d'experiències 'Transmedia' amb absència de 'Storytelling' en l'àmbit educatiu
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The article contextualizes the origin, genesis and use in the educational field of transmedia narratives, as well as the challenges and limitations of their application in teaching and learning processes. To respond to the challenges, in this article, transmedia contentelling is presented: a transmedia logic that does not have a story to unfold, but content. The origins of this transmedia logic are contextualized, its initial definition, and an alternative definition proposal is developed. It is established which differences can be identified between this logic and others, as well as the benefits and imitations of deciding to use transmedia contentelling over other transmedia logics, especially in relation to transmedia storytelling. Finally, and with a future perspective, it is assessed what contribution transmedia contentelling can generate, and what challenges it ca help to respond to within transmedia in the educational field