Medición del bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia

The present thesis aims to know the psychometric properties of two scales intended to assess the subjective wellbeing of schooled adolescents and residents in urban contexts in Chile. The results obtained show that both the "Student Life Satisfaction (SLSS)" and the " Brief Adolescents’ Subjective Well-Being in School Scale (BASWBSS)" scales present adequate adjustment indices to the sample. However, in the case of the BASWBSS, adaptations had to be made in accordance with the functioning of the Chilean educational system in comparison with the educational system of China, from which the scale emerges. The results highlight the need to adapt the scales to the contexts in which they are applied and to verify their levels of adjustment in order to have valid and reliable data when assessing subjective wellbeing in childhood and adolescence, as well as when seeking to design interventions or carry out follow-up on specific populations ​
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