Anàlisi dels elements de contenció de l’endeutament a les administracions públiques locals

València Arévalo, Ivan
The work begins by carrying out an analysis of the indebtedness of the economic units, in order to assess their financial structures; the main theories developed are set out, which define the basic guidelines when referring to aspects such as the optimal structure, the financial cost or the risk of over-indebtedness. Subsequently, the financing of local public administrations is explored in depth, in order to analyze what their resources are, the specific characteristics of their indebtedness, the reasons for their limitation, as well as the historical evolution of legal limitations in the different Spanish regulations. Next, the current situation of its legal limits is studied, comparing it with some debt variables used in European administrations, taking into account the supra-state regulations of mandatory compliance derived from being part of the European Union. On the other hand, it is considered necessary to generate a local debt credit rating indicator that conveys, on the one hand, the probability of non-compliance with the payment obligations of a local administration, and on the other, the performance that local public debt is required, that is to say, a benchmark for the financing costs of the public sector which, additionally, is a complementary indicator of the strength of the current regulatory indicators. Finally, an empirical work is carried out to validate the hypotheses raised. Catalan councils are analyzed in two different time periods and correlations are sought between debt indicators and other dependent variables, as well as a comparison between classic indicators and the new credit quality indicator ​
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