Three bibliometric analysis articles on the application of compositional analysis theory (CoDa) in the social science

Navarro-López, Carolina
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Compositional data analysis is a recently applied methodology with great potential for expansion in multiple scientific disciplines.This doctoral thesis aims to help the dissemination and transfer of knowledge about the importance acquired in the application of CoDa methodology in the different research categories by providing information about the current state of the art, potentialcollaborators and hot topics. Consequently, relevant guidance will be provided to researchers wishing to develop future research in this discipline. For this reason, an analysis has been carried out of several essential aspects in order to offer a realistic body of the evaluation and use of this technique in the different scientific categories indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) from 1982 to 2022. In this way, throughout the publications, significant data such as the most productive universities, the most influential authors, the topics that are beginning to be relevant, among other aspects, have been highlighted in order to offer more precise information to the scientific community. On the other hand, and in order to present new knowledge related to both compositional data and bibliometrics, this thesis has proposed a new method of bibliometric analysis through relational evaluative techniques to provide greater clarity both in the analyses carried out and in the aspects studied. The conclusions obtained in the three articles are associated with bibliometric research on the application of the Coda methodology and based on the papers published by John Aitchinson (1982, 1986), as well as its specific application in the field of social sciences. In the first article, A bibliometric analysis of the 35th anniversary of the paper "The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data by John Aitchinson (1982), an exhaustive bibliometric analysis of the aforementioned document was carried out. Regarding the second article, "The statistical analysis of compositional data of John Aitchinson (1986): A bibliometric overview", a bibliometric analysis was carried out in all the publications that have cited the book. Finally, the third article, "Research Progress in compositional data in Social Sciene. A bibliometric analysis", analyzed the main indicators in the specific area of the social sciences. In this way, it can be observed how the recent application of the methodology based on compositional data analysis is providing the opportunity for studies to address the needs and objectives most demanded and needed by today's society and by institutions at the international level. ​
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