Mediación cultural en el espacio museístico: un enfoque cooperativo para alumnado de educación secundaria. Aproximación a dos casos de estudio en Quebec y Cataluña
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This research is the result of a personal quest that focuses on the possibility of implementing and analyzing a mediation experience with high school students in the museum through cooperative learning experiences and to verify the suitability of cooperative strategies in the field of education and museums.
Specifically, this study is based on the relationship of adolescents with the cultural and museum space, as well as on the transformation of their vision of artistic works through an innovative educational approach, involving cooperative learning techniques.
Our objective is to create a space for discussion and exchange, taking into account the problems that affect adolescents and providing reflective tools that allow participants to appropriate the works and the artistic environment. This project emphasizes the active role of the students as actors instead of mere observers of art exhibitions.
The thesis presented here aims to demonstrate how cooperative learning, as an active learning method used in formal education, can be adapted to the museum space and deconstruct the preconceived ideas of adolescents in front of the works of art, through experiential experiences in art space, specifically in a museum. In addition, with this comparative case study, we observe if the framework of the two territories (Quebec and Catalonia) modifies the reception of the students regarding the format of the activities and if they have similarities or differences.
It is, therefore, an investigation framed in an interpretive ethnographic type method, usually identified with qualitative, naturalistic or humanistic and participatory perspectives. An approach inspired by ethnography is used. The thesis accumulates a large amount of data in the form of written notes, audiovisual documents, questionnaires, etc.
Based on the participatory observation, the recording and the transcription of the sessions, the analysis of the data and its interpretation is carried out.
The results show how the perspective of mediation materialized in cooperative strategies has contributed to creating a different relationship with the museum institution and with artistic creation itself. Regardless of sociocultural origin (Quebec or Catalonia), cooperative learning strategies have made it possible to contribute significantly to building a more reflective relationship with artistic creation, as well as creating an enabling environment for students to establish connections between works and their own culture and lived experiences. The results demonstrate an expansion of the adolescents' vision of the museum experience, allowing us to understand the problems and impacts of the proposed pedagogical approach and open new lines of research
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