Noves aportacions sobre l'obra gràfica de Joan Carles Panyó i Figaró (1755-1840)

Pi, Elara
This article presents new information in regards to the collection of drawings by J. C. Panyó preserved in the Library of Catalonia, as well as contributions from private collections. In the first place, the drawing of the monument of columns and lions dedicated to the celebrations of the arrival of the king and queen to Barcelona is analysed in order to amend the traditionally attributed chronology. This is followed by a close study of the drawing of the Holy Thursday monument in Tura Church in Olot, of which a new, more thorough version has also been discovered. Lastly, this paper includes a bundle of letters between Panyóand Esteve Estorch, a merchant from Olot.These documents evince that Panyó wasa versatile artist and designer, since the master was not only a pedagogue, painter and decorator, but he also designed civil buildings and made artistic contributions to religious buildings. ​
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