La contractació de retaules, imatges religioses i altres empreses artístiques durant la guerra de Separació (1640-1653)

The War of Separation (1640-1653) did not stop the artistic production in the city of Girona and its surroundings. On the contrary, lay commissioners (honorary and noble citizens) and ecclesiastics (rectors and canons), parish workers, devotional brotherhoods and convents took the initiative in hiring altarpieces, images, paintings or processional steps. Girona has become the pole of attraction and performance for many artists, painters, sculptors and gilders, who work for this varied clientele. The most exceptional work of this period is, without a doubt, the breathtaking altarpiece of the Roser Virgin in the Saint Domenec convent, commissioned by the brotherhood to the sculptor Josep Tramulles and the carpenter Joan Cisterna in 1649. ​
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